10 Natural Home Remedies For Varicose Veins

Natural remedies for varicose veins:- Varicose veins form when veins bulge and protrude, often causing pain or discomfort for some people. There are a number of at-home therapies that may be effective at relieving both their look and pain of varicose veins.

Varicose veins affect approximately 20% of individuals at some point during their lives. Although there are various medical therapies available to treat varicose veins, some individuals may prefer natural home remedies instead in order to ease symptoms.

Natural Home Remedies For Varicose Veins

1. Exercise

Exercising regularly can help to circulate blood that has pooled in veins by improving circulation in legs. Furthermore, regular physical activity also decreases blood pressure – another contributory factor for varicose veins.


2. Stockings With Compression

Study findings indicate that using knee-high compression stockings with a pressure range between 18-21mmHg for one week reduced varicose vein discomfort and pain significantly.

Stockings with compression
Stockings with compression

3. Extracts Of Plants

Extracts of plants According to research, horse chestnut extract (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) has been shown to help ease leg discomfort, heaviness and itching associated with chronic venous insufficiency – one of the primary causes of varicose veins.

Extracts of plants
Extracts of plants

4.Dietary Modifications

High sodium/sodium-rich foods cause the body to retain water; by restricting these items and replacing them with potassium-rich options, we may be able to decrease water retention and retain less.

Potassium-rich foods include the following:

  • Salmon and tuna are among the many fish species commonly consumed worldwide.
  • Fiber-rich foods help the bowel move smoothly and alleviate constipation, an essential benefit as straining can aggravate damaged valves.
  • Dietary Modifications 5. Increase consumption of flavonoids.
 Dietary modifications
Dietary modifications

5. Consume More Flavonoids.

Flavonoids promote blood flow, keeping it moving smoothly through veins and decreasing its likelihood of pooling in veins. Furthermore, they help reduce arterial blood pressure while relaxing blood vessels – all helping reduce varicose veins.

 Consume more flavonoids
Consume more flavonoids

6. Herbal Treatments

Oral grape seed extract, Vitis vinifera, may help reduce lower leg swelling and other symptoms associated with chronic venous insufficiency according to research from the National Institute of Health; although, as yet there is limited proof supporting its efficacy.

To reduce the risk of bleeding, those taking blood thinners should refrain from including grape seed extract as part of their daily dietary supplement routine.

Herbal treatments
Herbal treatments

7. Wear Non-Restrictive Clothes.

Tight-fitting clothing may restrict blood flow; wearing looser-fitting garments that do not limit supply to the lower body could improve one’s circulation.

Avoiding high heels may also help treat varicose veins in the legs. Wearing flat shoes could provide more effective treatment.

Wear non-restrictive clothes
Wear non-restrictive clothes

8. Maintain Leg Elevation.

Raising one or both legs above the heart level will help improve circulation, making a person’s sitting experience more comfortable, be it at work or leisure. When sitting for extended periods of time (such as at work or during rest time) keeping legs elevated should be priority number one.

 Maintain leg elevation.
Maintain leg elevation.

9. Massage

Maintain leg elevation. 9. Massage */ 9. Relax */ While massaging the affected areas gently to keep blood circulating freely through veins, using light massage oils or moisturizer for best results.

Be careful to avoid pressing directly onto veins as this could damage delicate tissues and lead to potential injuries.


10. Continue To Move

Excessive sitting should be avoided, and those required to sit for extended periods in their work environment should take steps to get up, move around or change positions periodically in order to keep blood flowing freely through their system.

As this can further impede blood flow to your legs and feet, further aggravating circulation issues, it should be avoided at all costs.

Continue to move
Image by Monfocus from Pixabay

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