10 Foods You Thought Were Healthy But Actually Aren’t

As you embark on your healthful diet journey, it can be dauntingly challenging to know what’s good and bad for you. With so many foods out there it can be hard to know which are truly good and which aren’t. Even simple things such as salad dressing may contain hidden sources of sugar – this doesn’t help when trying to improve one’s eating habits!

10 Foods You Thought Were Healthy But Actually Aren’t

1) Beans

Beans Although beans may be beneficial, they also contain high quantities of carbohydrates which our bodies require, yet have a high glycemic index which means they’re broken down quickly into sugar – potentially leading to weight gain and other health concerns when consumed regularly. Beans’ high fiber content means they may take longer for your digestive system to digest which may result in gas and bloat issues if consumed regularly – while eating too many or having them frequently could still provide health benefits; so limit yourself in terms of frequency of consumption! While eating beans will provide health benefits, too much consumption or frequency would only further harm.

Instead of eating beans directly, incorporating spinach or kale into your dishes is an excellent way to gain many of their essential vitamins and nutrients while helping prevent gassy-bloaty symptoms.

2) Breakfast cereals

Although many may perceive eating breakfast cereal to be healthy, the most popular varieties can actually be detrimental. Most are high in sugar while being deficient in proteins and iron; too much sugar isn’t good, while not getting enough iron could leave your body lacking red blood cells – potentially leading to anemia if left unsupplemented.

Breakfast cereals
Breakfast cereals

Anemia can leave you feeling tired and weak. The ideal cereals to help prevent fatigue include those high in protein and iron content such as oatmeal, granola and wheat cereals – these may cost more than their sugary counterparts but will be much more beneficial to your overall health.

3) Crackers

Crackers may seem like a healthy option, but many varieties contain large quantities of sodium that isn’t good for you and could contribute to weight gain and other health problems. Crackers should also be avoided when trying to follow a healthier eating regime.

Alternatively, for something healthier you could try whole-wheat crackers; they contain more fiber and aren’t as high in sodium. You could also make your own at home; there are recipes online if this interests you.

4) Dried fruits

Many people perceive dried fruits to be healthy snacks, yet they’re actually far from it. While they might provide you with some small amount of fiber compared to chips or cookies, and have less sugar content than its fresher counterpart. You should only eat dried fruit occasionally at most. For optimal nutrition, fresh fruit would be your better option as it has more vitamins and nutrients compared to its dried counterpart. When opting for dried fruit snacks however, opt for unsweetened varieties.Many people perceive dried fruits to be healthy snacks, yet they’re actually far from it. While they might provide you with some small amount of fiber compared to chips or cookies, and have less sugar content than its fresher counterpart. You should only eat dried fruit occasionally at most. For optimal nutrition, fresh fruit would be your better option as it has more vitamins and nutrients compared to its dried counterpart. When opting for dried fruit snacks however, opt for unsweetened varieties.

5) Frozen dinners

Many people turn to frozen dinners when they are pressed for time and need a quick dinner option, but many frozen dinners contain high levels of sodium and processed foods that may not provide essential vitamins and minerals that your body requires, contributing to weight gain over time. Rather than opting for this unhealthy option on an ongoing basis, you are better off creating or purchasing frozen dinners with lower calorie counts.

If you need frozen dinners, try searching for those that are low in sodium and calories. Additionally, adding your ingredients can make them healthier – like including veggies or adding less sodium.

6) Granola bars

Granola Bars Granola bars may seem like an appealing health snack, but many of them aren’t actually. Many contain too much sugar which is bad for you; additionally they may contain processed ingredients which don’t support good nutrition; additionally they do not offer essential vitamins and minerals that our bodies need in our daily diets; so they are best used when travelling or for quick snacking during flight delays. To make healthier granola bars consider finding low sugar varieties. Alternatively you could make your own with dried fruit and other healthy ingredients to make healthier bars!

7) Hummus and other bean dips

Hummus may come as a surprise on this list; it is an ideal accompaniment for vegetables and can even be spread onto sandwiches as an attractive spread. But many bean spreads available contain too much sodium and preservatives, both which should be avoided since too much salt could have adverse effects.

Bean spreads have been linked with cancer and other serious health conditions, so consuming healthy snacks like vegetables or other nutritious options would likely be best. When purchasing bean spreads, seek out fresh versions containing minimal sodium; those that have lots of sodium could potentially harm you more.

8) Ice cream

Ice cream
Ice cream

Photo by Brooke Lark

Photo by Brooke Lark Ice cream is enjoyed by many, but should only be eaten occasionally as many types are high in sugar content and this can contribute to weight gain and other health concerns. If you want something cold and creamy instead, frozen yogurt or sorbet are often better choices; otherwise try finding ones with lower levels of added sugar if possible.

Making ice cream yourself may help ensure the ingredients used are more healthy, or add nutritious toppings for an improved diet.

9) Pasta sauces

While enjoying pasta regularly is enjoyable, be mindful that too much pasta could lead to weight gain and other health complications. Aim to have pasta once or twice each week while including other types of foods in your diet as well. When choosing pasta sauces try for one with lower sodium levels for optimal nutrition; add vegetables as toppings instead to boost nutritional benefits!

10) Rice cakes

Rice cakes are often touted as an extremely healthy food choice, promising weight loss with their low calories and sodium count. Unfortunately, however, they’re not quite as beneficial as people think; many varieties contain lots of added sugar that isn’t very nourishing; best used as snacks rather than meals. If you want to eat them anyway, look for ones with lower levels of added sugar; add things such as peanut butter or fresh fruit to boost their nutritional value further.

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Eating healthy doesn’t need to be boring! With some knowledge and awareness, you can enjoy all sorts of delicious yet healthful food and snacks without breaking the bank. While certain products may appear healthy at first glance, many are actually far less beneficial for your wellbeing than advertised. Eating well is one of the best things you can do for your overall health – too much processed food can lead to weight gain, high cholesterol and heart disease; by being careful with what you eat you can stay healthier for longer and enjoy life more fully!