Difficulty With Eye Care Read These Tips

Did you know that eye strain is one of the symptoms of computer vision syndrome? While not an official medical diagnosis, this group of visual symptoms often experienced by those exposed to digital screens for extended periods. If you work in front of a computer screen all day or spend your free time reading or working digital tasks like eBook reading and development, eye strain could be one of the side effects. Left untreated, this may negatively impact quality of life as well as lead to more serious conditions; here are ten helpful strategies on how to reduce eye strain and improve quality of life! This article gives ten useful strategies on how you can prevent eye strain while increasing quality of life!

Difficulty With Eye Care Read These Tips

Turn off the screen for a while

Step one in combatting eye strain is turning off your screen for some time and simply gazing upon what you see around you without straining. What this means in practice: be able to look at something without having to squint or adjust your head in order to focus on it.

Eye strain may simply be caused by your eyes not yet adapting to their environment; this may be especially problematic in poorly lit offices (without windows) or when working from home with low light levels.

Give your eyes a break

To prevent eye strain, take regular breaks from your screen. This could involve looking away and focusing on something in your environment or closing your eyes for several seconds at a time. Also keep your screen clean to minimize dust or other particles build-up – this will create a healthier environment for your eyes and reduce the risk of infections. One common way that eyes can strain is using improper posture; use an ergonomic keyboard and maintain healthy wrist positions while typing.

Adjust the brightness of your screen

Adjust the brightness of your screen
Adjust the brightness of your screen

As soon as you detect signs of eye strain, the first thing to do is adjust the brightness of your screen. Your vision should not feel strain from viewing its content. In bright environments, your pupils narrow to limit too much light entering them while in low-light settings they open wider to allow more in. Over time however, your pupils could get used to low brightness levels and become small again, leading to eye strain which you can alleviate simply by increasing screen brightness.

Get an eye massage or wear comfy glasses

Your eyes may just need a break! Treating them with some restorative measures such as getting an eye massage or wearing comfortable glasses with relaxing filters on them could provide much-needed relief from strain. A warm eye pillow or professional massage are effective ways of relaxing muscles that contract and cause strain; red or orange-filtered glasses have also been proven effective against eye strain.

Make up for lost vitamins and minerals

Eye strain can be debilitating, so it’s vital not to ignore its signs. At the same time, however, it’s equally crucial that you find its source: deficiencies in your diet may be contributing to it – perhaps you are deficient in magnesium or Vitamin B for example. If this is indeed the cause of your eye strain then supplementation of essential vitamins and minerals is vital to restore lost nutrients back into the diet in order to alleviate eye strain symptoms.

Go for green leafy veggies

Go for green leafy veggies
Go for green leafy veggies

Photo by Scott Warman

Photo by Scott Warman Your eyes require more than vitamins and minerals for proper function; among them are zeaxanthin and lutein found in green leafy vegetables that can help reduce risk of eye strain. Eating more green leafy veggies may help mitigate eye strain risk as well.

Exercise your eyes with hand movements

Eye strain may result from an imbalance between muscles within your eyes. Eye muscles are responsible for moving your eyes in various directions; there are two primary ones responsible: the lateral and medial rectus muscles. If eye strain arises due to one muscle contracting more than another, this could indicate imbalanced between these two structures – to avoid this happening altogether try exercising your eyes with hand movements as this will strengthen all four.

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Conclusion Eye strain is a frequent condition among many individuals, so taking preventative steps to lower the risk is vital to avoid eye strain. If you notice eye strain occurring regularly, take frequent breaks from screen time, adjust brightness of screen display accordingly, get an eye massage or wear comfortable glasses, replenish lost vitamins and minerals from green leafy vegetables as well as exercise your eyes with hand movements in order to help alleviate symptoms and maintain overall quality of life. These tips should help reduce eye strain as well as improve quality of life for all involved.