Best 10 Skin Changes Pregnancy Causes

Skin Changes Due to Pregnancy:- During gestation, all aspects of your body undergo change – not only your belly. What will occur to your skin over the following nine months:

Pregnancy brings more than an increase in weight and an emotional roller coaster ride: You may also discover glorious thick hair and flushed cheeks!

Varicose veins, skin tags and breakouts can all be side effects of pregnancy for some women. Furthermore, you could develop sensitivities and be unable to wear your jewelry or use cosmetic products that you once preferred during your gestation period.

Changes in hormone levels may be at play here.

Skin Changes Pregnancy Causes

1. Expect That Glowing Complexion And Pregnant Glow.

Experts agree that pregnant women’s skin becomes glowing during gestation due to hormones, oil production, and an expected 40% rise in blood volume.

Pregnancy’s hormonal changes provide all organs, including skin cells, with additional oxygen and nutrition.

Expect that glowing complexion and pregnant glow
Expect that glowing complexion and pregnant glow

2. Breakouts 

A rise in progesterone levels also triggers an increase in sebum (oil) production, leading to breakouts.

Choose acne treatments wisely; due to potential birth complications, steer clear of products containing salicylic acid, retinoids or retinol.


3. Darkย Skin Spots

Dark Skin Spots Melasma, which appears as broad and dark patches on the face, affects nearly half of pregnant women.

Hyperpigmentation, commonly referred to as the “mask of pregnancy”, typically covers cheeks, nose, and forehead symmetrically and may be caused by elevated hormone levels.

Darkย skin spots
Dark skin spots

4. Moments With Thick Hair

At its typical development period, hair generally takes two to six years before resting for several months before falling out completely. Women who are pregnant typically have thicker locks as their locks rest longer before being lost.

Additionally, nails become stronger and longer over time.

Pregnancy increases hormones, blood volume, and water, providing your hair with more oxygen and essential nutrients to support its healthy development.

Take full advantage of it while you still can, because once a woman gives birth, its effects will disappear.

Moments with thick hair
Moments with thick hair

5.Hair All Over

Unwanted Side Effects One drawback of having thick, fast-growing hair may be its spread to other parts of your body such as face, bikini line, underarms or legs in addition to just on your head.

Depilatories or bleach lotions may help treat lips or smaller areas such as the bikini line; however, this won’t work on larger spots such as bikini liners or pubis areas.

These items contain substances such as calcium thioglycolate and barium sulfide powder that could enter your bloodstream and have an impact on your unborn child.

These materials have not been proven safe during gestation.

Hair all over
Hair all over

6. Skin Sensitivity

Over the next nine months, things other than your emotions could become sensitive.

Pregnancy can make skin more sensitive, even to substances or cosmetics that were never an issue before. Irritation from jewelry you have worn for decades may also occur more frequently during gestation.

Before using new skincare products on yourself or behind your ear, always perform a patch test on your wrist or behind your ear and choose mild and fragrance-free alternatives whenever possible.

Skin sensitivity
Skin sensitivity

7. Moles 

Moles may expand or form new ones over time. As women prepare to conceive, some may develop pyogenic granulomas – black oozing growths commonly known as “pregnancy tumors.”

As soon as you notice any mole, spot, or pigment patch – even those which seem harmless – it is always wise to seek medical advice immediately.


8. Body Tags

Skin tags are harmless growths connected to the body by thin threads. Common locations for their appearance include areas of high friction such as neck bases, underarms, crotches and breasts; during second and third trimester pregnancies they frequently surface.

Pregnancy causes higher estrogen and progesterone levels that accelerate skin cell production by stimulating its outer layers.

Following pregnancy, some women shrink, while most do not. Any unsightly stretch marks can be addressed by consulting a dermatologist.

Body tags
Body tags

9.ย  A Dark Stripe On Your Abdomen.

Three-quarters of pregnant women display a dark black vertical line from the belly button to their pubic region known as a linea nigra, or black line.

Increased estrogen levels stimulate pigment-producing cells, prompting them to produce excessive melanin.

An abdominal stretch mark could indicate internal blood vessel disease, while an unobtrusive dark stripe on your abdomen is an indicator.

 A dark stripe on your abdomen
A dark stripe on your abdomen

10. Dilated Veins

While increased blood volume provides your cheeks with an illuminated glow, its additional effects put strain on leg veins resulting in severe swelling.

Varicose veins, also known as varicose thrombi, are veins which protrude unnaturally from the skin and bulge out abnormally, often due to damaged valves or porous walls.

Exercise to boost circulation and stop pooled blood from pooling can be the cure. Compression hose can also come in handy if you spend much of your day standing.

Sclerotherapy during or postpartum can be the most effective solution to varicose veins that do not improve on their own.

Dilated veins
Image by Monfocus from Pixabay

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