The Art Of Personal Style: How To Develop Your Own Fashion Sense

Personal style is all about cultivating your own sense of fashion. This process begins by understanding your body type, lifestyle, and personality – what looks good on you and how to present yourself to the world. Once you know what works for you, begin experimenting by trying different styles, putting together outfits, taking risks with colors and fabrics combinations, taking inspiration from blogs, magazines, or celebrities and tailoring it into something uniquely your own style. When something catches your eye make it your own –

What Is Personal Style ?

Personal style is how you express yourself through fashion. Everyone has their own distinctive sense of style whether they realize it or not; fashion can be an invaluable means of self-expression and personal style is more than what we wear – it embodies how we present ourselves to others and reflects who we truly are as a person. Each body type, lifestyle and personality has different aspects which contribute to creating individual personal styles which reflect and encapsulate those aspects as an extension of themselves.

1) Look To Your Own Closet

Look To Your Own Closet
Look To Your Own Closet

Your own closet holds many of your greatest fashion finds and hidden gems. When trying to decide what to wear, it is always a good idea to start by exploring what already exist – items with potential but need an update can often provide great inspiration. Clearing out your closet every season can also make room for new items while uncovering pieces you haven’t worn recently; who knows what treasures may await discovery within? And often we buy new things before learning how to style what’s already there – which could save money over buying something new outright.

2) Find Fashion Inspiration

Find Fashion Inspiration
Find Fashion Inspiration

Fashion Inspiration Finding fashion inspiration can come from any source – both inside and outside the fashion world. As you search for your look and personal style inspiration, discover new types of clothing may help broaden your choices from your usual favorites; different cultures and times in history offer inspiration too, or look at celebrities you admire to see what they wear; you could also look online at fashion blogs for ideas.

3) Create A Fashion Mood Board

Create A Fashion Mood Board
Create A Fashion Mood Board

Fashion mood boards are an effective way to unleash your imagination and explore different styles, fabrics, and color combinations. A fashion mood board can also help you begin exploring what inspires you and defining your personal style. Create one using magazines, posters or images found online; tear out or print images that inspire you and print them out; use items from around your home like fabrics swatches or sketches as inspiration to craft an original and customized mood board!

4) Create A Capsule Wardrobe

Create A Capsule Wardrobe
Create A Capsule Wardrobe

A capsule wardrobe is a collection of pieces you love that work together beautifully, providing an easy way to organize your closet and identify core pieces. Begin by organizing clothes by type; inspect each item to make sure it’s clean and in good condition before deciding how often you would wear each one.

5) Experiment With Unique Style Choices

Also Refer:- 6 Fashion Tips for Girls Who Are Starting to Experiment

Once you’ve tried everything and are still searching for something unique to set you apart from everyone else, don’t be intimidated to try something different – experimentation is acceptable when making personal style more distinctive! Start small by trying a different colour or fabric; expand on that by exploring new silhouettes, accessories, patterns or layering different pieces together.


Now that you understand what personal style means, it’s time to start cultivating it yourself. Begin by compiling a list of your body type, lifestyle and personality factors before looking at your wardrobe for outfit ideas and inspiration. Create a mood board containing different colour/fabric combinations before trying different style choices to help make your personal style truly stand out.